Penn Huntsman Program Admission Rate
penn huntsman program admission rate

A degree in the arts and sciences is practically and personally invaluable, serving as a solid foundation for navigating the ever-changing world around us.A study of Harvard College admissions between 2009 2015 showed that while normal student applicants had a 5.9 acceptance rate, being a legacy applicant.Located just across the river from downtown Philadelphia, the University of Pennsylvania is one of the world’s premier institutions of higher learning. Spanning more than 50 majors and 2,000+ courses, the College offers a unique take on the classic liberal arts education. The College of Arts & Sciences is the heart of all Penn programs.

Its acceptance rate for the class of 2022 was a mere 8.39%. As an Ivy League institution, UPenn is one of the most elite institutions in the world. A degree in the arts and sciences is practically and personally invaluable, serving as a solid foundation for navigating the ever-changing world. Only the School of Nursing is slightly higher about 25. Admissions rates to the College of Arts and Sciences, Wharton, and Penn Engineering are all under 10. This encompasses not only the myriad of on campus extracurricular pursuits but also the bustling metropolis just minutes away from campus.UPenn Graduate School Acceptance Rate.

Penn Huntsman Program Admission Rate How To Present Your

Specialized Programs?Penn has one 400-650 word essay that all of its applicants must write, but those who want to apply to specialized programs, such as the Huntsman Program in International Studies and Business or the Jerome Fisher Program in Management and Technology, will have to write one or two additional essays.The first question you may have about your application is: what is the relation between your general application essay and your specialized program application essay?The first thing to know is that these specialized programs are very selective. Whether you’re majoring in chemistry or applying for the 7-year pre-dental program, we’ll provide you with plenty of tips for how to present your best self to the UPenn admissions office.Want to learn what University of Pennsylvania will actually cost you based on your income? And how long your application to the school should take? Here’s what every student considering University of Pennsylvania needs to know.The UPenn Essays: Normal Admissions vs. Many of these programs combine the business of practices of UPenn’s legendary Wharton School with other disciplines, such as the Huntsman Program in International Studies & Business.This guide will provide invaluable advice for each of the essay prompts.

penn huntsman program admission rate

Third, they want to see if you have done your research and started to figure out how you will use Penn to pursue those intellectual passions and interests.When they ask you to talk about your major within one of the four schools — Arts and Sciences, Engineering, Nursing, and Wharton — you should realize that you are not necessarily talking about these schools in general. First, they are trying to weed out those candidates that are just applying to Penn because it is a “fancy school.” Second, they want to learn something about your intellectual passions and interests. With this question, the admissions officers are trying to do three things. For students applying to the other coordinated dual-degree and specialized programs, please answer this question in regards to your single-degree school choice your interest in the coordinated dual-degree or specialized program may be addressed through the program-specific essay.This essay is asking a very straightforward question: what do you want to study and why do you want to study that at Penn in particular.

This means you will need to cram a lot into this essay. As such, you need to treat this essay like an application for a specialized program that also addresses the major you will pursuing outside these specialized programs. You can write a great essay about how you hope to use Penn’s resources to pursue a major in international relations, and how you especially look forward to studying abroad — maybe to meet some of the people who you have been collaborating with from all over the world.Then, if you are interested in the intersection of business and international relations, you might use your Huntsman essay to talk about your abiding interest in logistics (perhaps related to your work in gaming) has drawn you to the problem of how conflicts in international law might affect the efficiency of global shipping supply chains.The College of Engineering’s special programs in Digital Media Design and Computer & Cognitive Science are something of a special case.For these two programs, your statement of why you fit into them belongs in this general admissions essay, not in a separate prompt. The trick here is to write an essay that communicates the full force of enthusiasm and excitement for a plan of study at Penn that does not hinge exclusively on admission to a specialized program, such as Huntsman (discussed in more detail below).Maybe you have been fascinated with international relations and diplomacy ever since you started learning French and playing Massive Online Multi-player strategy games that required weaving complex treaties with people from many different parties. You might begin your essay by talking about how you have been interested in differential geometry ever since you asked your high school math teacher, “Okay, we’ve gone over how to find the surface area of a cube, but how would you even begin to find the surface area of something like a plastic bag floating in the air?” You can then go on to talk about the work you’ve done studying new topics in geometry over the summer, the thrill of thinking about how billiard balls bounce around differently shaped boards, and the overlap between your interests and the unique research profile of Penn’s mathematics faculty.An important thing to remember here is that you need to talk about both your passion for a particular subject area and what Penn has to offer you — both aspects are equally important!If you are interested in one of Penn’s specialized programs, you still need to write an essay about how you intend to pursue your intellectual interests at Penn, regardless of whether you are admitted to a specialized program or not. Focus on the major and classes within the school of Arts and Sciences that you want to pursue.Maybe you want to study at Penn because of its remarkably high number of professors (10!) working on differential geometry — a subject of particular interest to you.

If you are applying to any of these interdisciplinary programs, you want to show the admissions committee that you have already started to think across disciplinary boundaries.What if you are not particularly interested in any of Penn’s specialized programs? That’s perfectly fine! Not applying to those programs will not hurt your application or make you seem like an “unambitious” student. In order to show the admissions committee that your passion for computing is no less than your passion for learning new languages, you might talk about the work you did programming a chatbot or creating a little video game to help you study your Latin declensions. Your interest in word-order might go beyond human-made languages and extend to the languages machine intelligences are starting to create. Why — you ask — do we say “the big red house” and not “the red big house?” Maybe part of what drove you to start learning Spanish and Russian was to see if rules of syntax in English also applied to other languages.Then, you’ll pivot in a new paragraph to talk about how your interest in syntax also makes you interested in Penn’s program in Computer & Cognitive science. You can start the essay by talking about how language has always fascinated you: you always wanted to dig deeper than the rules listed in your grammar books.

penn huntsman program admission rate